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PDF knitting pattern to work your own “Longitudinal”

The publishing rights for the English version are held by Knitty.com
You can find it here.

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I love socks in bright, colorful self-striping yarns – but for some time now, I have been a little bored with the usual stripes running across the foot in the same old way every time. I wanted lengthwise stripes, beautiful ones, without any disruption of the pretty color changes. But none of the existing lengthwise-sock-patterns would do that, because they are all use seams at some point.

So I came up with my own version: Longitudinal starts on one side with Judy’s Magic Cast-On, is knit lengthwise across to the other side and grafted, so the flow of colors is perfectly preserved.

Garter stitch makes the color changes even more interesting and the sock a very easy knit – no purling required!

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