Short rows with shadow wraps

My first choice for short rows in stockinette, is the shadow wrap method.


  1. Lift the stitch directly below the first stitch on the left needle from back to front and place it on the left needle.
  2. Knit it.
  3. Slip the new stitch onto the left needle. Now you have a doublestitch. Turn work.


  1. Slip the next stitch with yarn in front.
  2. Lift the stich below the slipped stitch onto the left needle.
  3. Purl it. Now you have a doublestitch on the right needle.
  4. Slip it onto the left needle. Turn work.

These double stitches are considered as one stitch afterwards. So you knit / purl both loops together when you have to knit / purl them in the next row.

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